Welcome back everyone this going to be my Blog
full Marvel Spider-Man No Way Home review. I did a non-spoilery review earlier this week. This will be a little more complete talk about
more specific things from the movie, so if you're brand-new to the channel, be sure to
subscribe to get everything we're doing a giveaway for IMAX tickets for the movie. All you do to enter is be subscriber and let
me know what your favorite Spider-Man movie is after watching this one obviously careful
for spoilers from the movie. If you haven't seen it yet. Because all the talk about pretty much everything
that happens also slide into the more spoiler he stuff later in the video will try to kinda
ease into that, I will be doing post credit scene videos a full breakdown and Easter eggs
for the entire movie in the next couple of
Days as well to. But just like I said in my no spoiler review
earlier this week. This is legit the biggest movie of the year
of any kind. Just based on the scope of what they're trying
to do with the story in the Spider-Man characters, but there was so much hype so much anticipation
going into this movie based on theories that people had it delivered and then some completely
exceeded all my expectations the marvel people have been calling it Spider-Man endgame. Just because it does for Spider-Man what avengers
endgame did for the avengers is meant to be like the biggest avengers movie you've ever
seen. But also give the characters a definitive
ending to their current arcs in the MCU. They do a good job of ending Spider-Man No
Way Home bookending sort of this era of his homecoming trilogy, but also giving you hints
about what they're going to be doing with
The character next should Tom Holland want
to come back in Missouri he said that yes he does want to come back. But the way they in the movie, you can tell
they wanted to give an opportunity for Spider-Man to have a very fresh start in the MCU with
whatever they do with that next trilogy metaphorical and literal fresh start. Because the way they sort of wipe the slate
clean with Doctor Strange her spell at the end of the film. There were so many jokes going into the movie
about how tom Holland was going get pushed of the background. Like which cameo are you most looking forward
to I'm most looking forward to Tom Holland's Spider-Man getting a cameo in his own movie. Despite the fact that they do go full spider
Like legit live action Spider-Man into the
spider verse the story is still squarely focused on Tom Holland's Spider-Man, he is very much
the main character, but at the same time. The other really amazing thing is that it
gives all the other characters. Even the lesser side characters complete and
satisfying arcs which is usually with the main complaint is about movies that are this
big any kind of comic book movie or big action movie I've said it before, but I'll say it
again after this movie Tom Holland will probably be your new favorite live action Spider-Man
older people who saw all the Spider-Man movies in theaters, myself included, will always
be nostalgic for Tobey Maguire in Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies in different ways. Everybody has had their favorite Spider-Man
the past 20 years. But legit Tom Holland completely brings it
in this movie he gave it all is the portrayal of MCU Spider-Man that everyone had been asking
for since they first announced him is the
New Spider-Man Captain America Civil War back
in 2016. Like oh this is what I've been waiting for
from a Spider-Man movie in the MCU. Even during the parts of the movie that didn't
quite work as well. He still shines through. It just address those parts of the movie easily
the second half of the film or so is legit perfect Like were talking a perfect Spider-Man movie
perfect marvel movie, everything you've always wanted from a film like this the part of the
movie that didn't work quite as well is real. Like the early part before he goes to see
Doctor Strange for the first time to perform the spell all before the sinister six villains
show up once they start showing up the movie is mostly perfect no chefs kiss is really
all the stuff with happy and aunt May's relationship and then trying to get into college that slows
the film down a bunch. I kind of drags on things a little bit.
I understand why those things are in the movie
like the college stuff needs to be there, because it's supposed to be his main motivation
for performing the spell in the first place to help MJ and Ned get into MIT and all the
happy and aunt May comedic relationship stuff is there to explain why they go live with
happy at his apartment after things get crazy with the angry Mysterio stands and a set up
the end of the movie with him and happy at aunt May's grave to bookend things all that
early stuff with happy feels a little out of place in the college stuff just felt a
little flimsy. Like in order for the main twist of the movie. This big multiverse spell to make sense. Why he do something like this. They kind of have to make Spider-Man go full
monkey brain idiot Doctor Strange even yells at him after things go crazy for being a total
idiot like you didn't even bother to call
The admissions office to plead your case before
asking me to brainwash the entire world. So it truly is a local man's ruins everything
for a bad reason kind of scenario. Like J Jonah Jameson is not wrong Spider-Man
is to blame for literally everything that happens during the movie, but set for those
few minor things pretty much everything else about the movie was pitch perfect Benedict
Cumberbatch was amazing is Doctor Strange. No surprise there. He's probably one of the best working actors
in the world today and one of marvel's most important characters know that iron man is
in around know I've also said this before, but Spider-Man I think technically is the
most important marvel character going forward. Just because of the way he sort of ties what
came before the avengers infinity saga movies was happening right now and what's gonna be
happening in the future altogether as this really relatable ground-level POV audience
But Doctor Strange I would argue is kind of
like the replacement for Iron Man's are like the de facto huge very powerful character
that everybody goes to for help. Now he wasn't nearly as big a part of the
movie is. I originally thought that he would be based
on the way the trailers portray him. He's really only around for a few key scenes,
the beginning to set the whole multiverse spider verse plot and then at the end of the
movie to fix everything with another multiverse spell they do use a few of his brief seems
to also set up plot elements for doctor Strange 2 and I will do a separate post credit scene
video for the doctor Strange 2 trailer. It really does play like a trailer for the
movie, so we'll see if they release that online after next week. I think eventually will post a slightly different
version of it is to regular trailer. Like they normally would, there a lot of background
elements and hints that you get about future
Marvel phase 4 plot, but it's subtle enough
that doesn't take you out of the current Spider-Man sinister six story this play out on screen
once all the sinister six characters make it into the MCU and start bantering with each
other in Spider-Man. That's really when the movie gets going. They pull this off so well that after this
movie, you will be asking Marvel nonstop how long before you do an avengers secret wars
movie. Like give me more of this. But turned up to 11 all the villain performances
were amazing. They all get great arcs during the film, but
Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin was very much the main villain. Even though you only really see five of them
on screen together at any one time they are going for a very sinister six kind of vibe
Willem Dafoe said that his main condition
For coming back was that they would make him
a huge part of the story and let him do most of his own stunts. Which they did. You can tell he's great he totally understood
the assignment he's every bit the Green Goblin that you remember from the first Tobey Maguire
Spider-Man movie a little bit more subtle. I think, but his switch from Norman Osborne
to the Goblin persona is still every bit as great as it was during that first movie in
the way that his Goblin plays off of Spider-Man in the whole aunt May Uncle Ben twist. Speaking of which they gave Marissa to amaze
aunt May a huge upgrade. Just in terms of the scope of what she's doing
during the story. They kind of turned her into an MCU version
of Uncle Ben giving her a bunch of classic uncle Ben story the iconic phrase with great
power comes great responsibility.
They finally uttered that during a marvel
movie, they been directly call that out later in the movie like oh I know that phrase because
my Uncle Ben said it that he died. Just like there are few minor complaints about
how stupid they have to make Spider-Man at the beginning of the movie. There are a couple problems that I have with
aunt May's logic and forcing the sinister six mental health issue changing them trying
to fix them in the MCU won't change things for those other universes as much as you think
they would another be a ton of questions about the whole logic of the way they change things
at the end of the film like what does the spell change exactly what is everybody remember
about Spider-Man going for now. Don't worry all address that during my full
breakdown and Easter eggs video Alfred Molina was great. He gets a much fuller version of his arc that
he did during Spider-Man 2.
Going from villain to hero again in a more
complete way. Even though I would still argue the Spider-Man
two is one of the best comic book movies of all time So wasn't like they need to fix his arc in
Spider-Man 2. If anybody had a character arc that needed
fixing. It was Jamie Fox's electro and they did that
and then some. It is to address that I did say this earlier
but the movie isn't just a sequel to the tom Holland MCU Spider-Man movies. A lot of times it feels like a sequel to the
other Sony Spider-Man movies, so tries to pick up where the stories of the Sony Spider-Man
characters left off and give them meaningful happy endings. I'd argue that the Sandman the lizard arcs
in the movies are kind of truncated like I like speedrun versions, but they were much
smaller characters than the other villains.
They did have good moments but the focus is
really on Green Goblin doctor octopus and electro and there are lots of things from
the old Spider-Man movies Tobey Maguire Spider-Man Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies that people
still like to make fun of and mean today. They include a lot of that energy in the movie. Like there a lot of things about those movies. I just did not work and they call that out
in a lot of jokes during the film just a slide into Mego spoiler territory so I can talk
about the real delights of the movie, so you notice here we go. Careful for mega spoilers all the Tobey Maguire
in Andrew Garfield stuff was amazing everything I hope that they would be and more. They were way bigger part of the film than
I ever expected way more scenes in it was as if they had never left the just picked
up right where they left off.
You will legit cry couple times when they're
on screen altogether Michael teaching is music during the film was amazing. He did a great job of incorporating a lot
of the themes from all the different Sony Spider-Man movies in the tom Holland MCU Spider-Man
movies some of the most cry were the moments are when they sort of really mix all of the
main theme songs from all three Spider-Man when they're on screen together going full
science pros and when they're teaming up at the end of the film all the scenes of the
three Spider-Man together. Probably some of the best parts of the movie. Like give me more of this all day every day. Please don't be the last time that you try
something like this long time Spider-Man fans will probably enjoy these little jokes and
references more than the younger brand-new fans But every last bit of fan service was great
in never felt to over the top or took me out
Of the movie like Andrew Garfield Spider-Man
and Tom Holland's Spider-Man being flabbergasted by Tobey Maguire's organic web shooters in
the Tobey Maguire sort of playing off them like women are you trying to tease me know
no we think that's cool we want to know how you make that webbing does it only come out
of your wrist is a come out of other places Andrew Garfield Spider-Man referring to himself
as the lame Spider-Man all the pep talks, the Tobey Maguire gives to both of them is
a lot of Spider-Man into the spider verse energy with the midlife crisis Spider-Man
helping out Miles Morales lot of pep talk from the older Spider-Man they pay off a lot
of Easter eggs and references to both of their films in present day of like new spins on
major twists and character moments from their original movies in one of the best Tobey Maguire
scenes in the movie is legit during the final boss fight in the way he helps Tom Holland
with Green Goblin. It was all just shifts kiss perfect.
We all knew they were going to be in the movie. The whole time. But what I saw just completely exceeded my
expectations on every level. It just to address the end of the movie. I thought that was a great way to end this
homecoming trilogy arc and sort of wipe the slate clean for all them so they can do a
much more traditional type of Spider-Man solo film in the future. Like a Spider-Man who's not totally beholden
to Iron Man or the Avengers always looking to someone else for help just Spider-Man dealing
with his own villains and problems inside the MCU wall all the other avengers stuff
is going on around him are they the ideas that will see Spider-Man for it will be a
much truer idea of a solo Spider-Man movie with fewer big Avengers crossover's and then
we'll see him crossover in a big Avengers 5
Type of movie. There were two post credit scenes. Just to kind of grade them. The mid credit scene is the venom scene. It acts as sort of a continuation of the venom
let there be carnage post credit scene and help set up a future MCU Spider-Man symbiote
saga. It was exactly what it needed to be short
and sweet answered a lot of questions about how things are gonna work going forward the
doctor Strange 2 post credit scene felt a little weird in that it felt a little more
like a trailer they just attached to the end of the movie as opposed to just like a full
complete seem like you normally expect from a post credit scene after watching Spider-Man
No Way Home a couple times now all say that it is my favorite MCU Spider-Man movie and
now it's tied for my favorite Spider-Man movie
Overall with Spider-Man into the spider verse
Tobey Maguire Spider-Man two is now a close 2nd Like very close second was you do have a chance
to see the movie post all your reactions in the comments below it like it's it. Let me know what is your new favorite live
action Spider-Man in favor Spider-Man movie, my next videos will be my post credit scene
breakdowns for the movie in my Doctor Strange 2 trailer breakdown So make sure you go see this movie as fast
as possible. Congratulations rounak rajendran you're the
giveaway winner from my last big Spider-Man video Please email me on the about page of my channel
so I can get your contact details. Everyone click here for my Spider-Man No Way
Home post credit scene videos I'll update the link as soon as I post those tomorrow
and click here for my full Hawkeye episode 5 kingpin and yelena belova video. Thank you so much for watching everyone stay
safe and I'll see you guys in the next one!
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